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Rolling Updates and Rollbacks

Updating a Deployment A Deployment’s rollout is triggered if and only if the Deployment’s Pod template (that is, .spec.template) is changed, for example if the labels or container images of the template are updated. Other updates, such as scaling the Deployment, do not trigger a rollout.

Each time a new Deployment is observed by the Deployment controller, a ReplicaSet is created to bring up the desired Pods. If the Deployment is updated, the existing ReplicaSet that controls Pods whose labels match .spec.selector but whose template does not match .spec.template are scaled down. Eventually, the new ReplicaSet is scaled to .spec.replicas and all old ReplicaSets is scaled to 0.

Label selector updates It is generally discouraged to make label selector updates and it is suggested to plan your selectors up front. In any case, if you need to perform a label selector update, exercise great caution and make sure you have grasped all of the implications.

Rolling Back a Deployment Sometimes, you may want to rollback a Deployment; for example, when the Deployment is not stable, such as crash looping. By default, all of the Deployment’s rollout history is kept in the system so that you can rollback anytime you want (you can change that by modifying revision history limit).

A Deployment’s revision is created when a Deployment’s rollout is triggered. This means that the new revision is created if and only if the Deployment’s Pod template (.spec.template) is changed, for example if you update the labels or container images of the template. Other updates, such as scaling the Deployment, do not create a Deployment revision, so that you can facilitate simultaneous manual- or auto-scaling. This means that when you roll back to an earlier revision, only the Deployment’s Pod template part is rolled back.



apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
    app: nginx
  replicas: 2
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
        - name: nginx
          image: bitnami/nginx:1.16.0
            - containerPort: 8080
Get Deployments
oc get deployments
Sets new image for Deployment
oc set image deployment/my-deployment nginx=bitnami/nginx:1.16.1 --record
Check the status of a rollout
oc rollout status deployment my-deployment
Get Replicasets
oc get rs
Get Deployment Description
oc describe deployment my-deployment
Get Rollout History
oc rollout history deployment my-deployment
Undo Rollout
oc rollback my-deployment
Delete Deployment
oc delete deployment my-deployment
Create a Deployment
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Create a new namespace called bar
kubectl create ns dev
Setting Namespace in Context
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=dev