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IBM Container Registries

In this lab we are going to create a Container Image and store it in the IBM Cloud Container Registry


  • IBM Cloud Account

Login into IBM Cloud

Using the IBM Cloud Shell

  1. Login into IBM Cloud
  2. Select correct account from top right drop down if your IBM id is associated with multiple accounts
  3. Click the IBM Cloud Shell Icon on the top right corner of the IBM Cloud Console ibm cloud shell icon
  4. This opens a new browser window with command linux terminal prompt. ibm cloud shell prompt

Create a new Container Registry namespace

  1. Ensure that you're targeting the correct IBM Cloud Container Registry region. For example for Dallas region use us-south
    ibmcloud cr region-set us-south
  2. Choose a name for your first namespace, and create that namespace. Use this namespace for the rest of the Quick Start.Create a new Container Registry Namespace. This namespace is different from a Kubernetes/OpenShift namespace. The name needs to be all lowercase and globaly unique within a region.
    ibmcloud cr namespace-add <my_namespace>
    Now set the environment NAMESPACE to be use for the rest of the lab
    export NAMESPACE=<my_namespace>

Building and Pushing a Container Image

  1. Clone the following git repository and change directory to 1-containers
    git clone --depth 1 my-app
    cd my-app/1-containers/
  2. Inspect the file Dockerfile it contains a multistage build, first layer builds the application, the second copies only the built files.
    cat Dockerfile
    FROM as base
    FROM base as builder
    WORKDIR /opt/app-root/src
    COPY package*.json ./
    RUN npm ci
    COPY public public 
    COPY src src 
    RUN npm run build
    FROM base
    WORKDIR /opt/app-root/src
    COPY --from=builder  /opt/app-root/src/build build
    COPY package*.json ./
    RUN npm ci --only=production
    COPY --chown=1001:0 server server
    RUN chmod -R g=u server
    ENV PORT=8080
    LABEL com.example.source=""
    LABEL com.example.version="1.0"
    ARG ENV=production
    CMD npm run $NODE_ENV
  3. Build and push the image, if not already set replace $NAMESPACE with the namespace you added previously, replace if using a different region.
    ibmcloud cr build --tag$NAMESPACE/my-app:1.0 ./

Explore the Container Registry on the IBM Cloud Console

  1. Explore the container image details using the IBM Cloud Console. Go to the Main Menu->Kubernetes->Registry you can use the tabs Namespaces, Repository, Images cr namespace cr namespace cr namespace cr namespace

Extra Credit (Run Imge on Kubernetes)

If you have a Kubernetes Cluster you can run your application image

  1. Get the Access token for your Kubernetes cluster, command assumes your cluster name is mycluster
    ibmcloud ks cluster config -c mycluster
  2. Run the following commands to create a deployment using the image we just build. If not already set replace $NAMESPACE with your IBM Container Registry Namespace we stored the image.
    kubectl create deployment my-app --image$NAMESPACE/my-app:1.0
    kubectl rollout status deployment/my-app
    kubectl port-forward deployment/my-app 8080:8080
    If the app is connected you should see the following output
    Forwarding from -> 8080
    Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 8080
  3. Open a new Session and run the following command
    curl localhost:8080 -I
    You should see in the first line of output the following
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  4. To access the app using a browser use the IBM Cloud Shell Web Preview. Click the Web Preview Icon and select port 8080 from the drop down. The application will open in a new browser window. ibm cloud shell web preview select web app

  5. To stop the application on the terminal with the kubectl port-forward command quit by pressing Ctrl+C in *Session 1

Delete Deployment and Image

  1. Delete the app deployment
    kubectl delete deployment my-app
  2. Delete the container image, if not already set replace $NAMESPACE with the registry namespace
    ibmcloud cr image-rm$NAMESPACE/my-app:1.0