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Container References

Basic CLI Commands

Action Command
Check Podman version podman --version
Check host information podman info
List images podman images
Pull image podman pull <container-name/container-id>
Run image podman run <container-name/container-id>
List running containers podman ps
Inspect a container podman inspect <container-id>
Stop a running container podman stop <container-id>
Kill a running container podman kill <container-id"
Build Podman image podman build -t <image_name>:<tag> -f containerfile .
Push image podman push <image_name>:<tag>
Remove stopped containers podman rm <container-id>
Remove image podman rmi -f <image-name> or podman rmi -f <image-id>
Action Command
Get Docker version docker version
Run hello-world Container docker run hello-world
List Running Containers docker ps
Stop a container docker stop <container-name/container-id>
List Docker Images docker images
Login into registry docker login
Build an image docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> .
Inspect a docker object docker inspect <name/id>
Inspect a docker image docker inspect image <name/id>
Pull an image docker pull <image_name>:<tag>
Push an Image docker push <image_name>:<tag>
Remove a container docker rm <container-name/container-id>

Running the CLI

  1. a. RECOMMENDED: Download Podman here

    b. NOT RECOMMENDED: Brew Installation

    brew install podman

  2. Create and start your first podman machine

    podman machine init
    podman machine start

  3. Verify Podman installation

    podman info

  4. Test it out: Podman Introduction

  1. Install Docker Desktop here

  2. Test it out: Getting Started with Docker

  1. Install ibmcloud CLI

    curl -fsSL | sh

  2. Verify installation

    ibmcloud help

  3. Configure environment. Go to -> click on your profile -> Log into CLI and API and copy IBM Cloud CLI command. It will look something like this:

    ibmcloud login -a -u passcode -p <password>

  4. Log into docker through IBM Cloud

    ibmcloud cr login --client docker


Task Description Link Time
IBM Container Registry Build and Deploy Run using IBM Container Registry IBM Container Registry 30 min
Docker Lab Running a Sample Application on Docker Docker Lab 30 min

Once you have completed these tasks, you should have a base understanding of containers and how to use Docker.